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knar(soil painting)

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soilart Jo -Do joong Artista Verificado
Korea, South
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"knar(soil painting)"

Obra original, Otros sobre Lienzo, Pieza única

Obra en exposición

Resumen de la obra original

Otros sobre Lienzo
Medidas: 145.6 ancho x 112.2 alto cm.
Año: 2020
This work is the only gray tone in the knar series.
As if covered with snow or full of moss.
The sense of rhythm of the lines and dots that dominate the atmosphere

Knots are scars of trees.
Knots are formed for healing when a tree becomes sick.
The base of a branch embedded in the body of a tree.
A metaphor for'hard flesh'.
A metaphor for the feelings in the heart.

The painter drew life and hope following wounds and healing.
Sometimes realistic images are drawn and sometimes abstract images.
They are shapes that could not be seen in the world.

The painter is the first painter in the world to classify the soil into hundreds of colors.
This work was painted 100% earth.
Can you believe it? That soil has a variety of colors like that?
The soil is warm and cozy. It warms our hearts

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Publicado en ARTEnet desde: 18 Marzo , 2021

  • Detalles de la obra original

    Pintura  Otros sobre Lienzo
    Medidas: 145.6 x 112.2 cm.
    Año de creación : 2020

    Estilo / Tema

    Estilo: Arte abstracto
    Temática: Abstractos


    Knar, 2020, soil on canvas
    145*112 cm

    This work is the only gray tone in the knar series.
    As if covered with snow or full of moss.
    The sense of rhythm of the lines and dots that dominate the atmosphere

    Tree wound
    Knots are caused by the secretion of an extract to heal itself when a tree becomes sick
    It is a word that refers to a wound on a tree, a “callus” embedded in the body, and a figurative feeling in the heart.
    Wood knots are a healing process.


    This work is the only gray tone in the knar series.
    As if covered with snow or full of moss.
    The sense of rhythm of the lines and dots that dominate the atmosphere

    Knots are scars of trees.
    Knots are formed for healing when a tree becomes sick.
    The base of a branch embedded in the body of a tree.
    A metaphor for'hard flesh'.
    A metaphor for the feelings in the heart.

    The painter drew life and hope following wounds and healing.
    Sometimes realistic images are drawn and sometimes abstract images.
    They are shapes that could not be seen in the world.

    The painter is the first painter in the world to classify the soil into hundreds of colors.
    This work was painted 100% earth.
    Can you believe it? That soil has a variety of colors like that?
    The soil is warm and cozy. It warms our hearts
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Artista: soilart Jo -Do joong
knar(soil painting)
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knar(soil painting)
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