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Mermaid-Mystery or Myth!

mermaid-Mystery or Myth!
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Sarandha D L
Habla Inglés

"Mermaid-Mystery or Myth!"

Obra original, Media Mixta sobre Lienzo, Pieza única

Precio: 1.200 €

Resumen de la obra original

Media Mixta sobre Lienzo
Medidas: 76.2 ancho x 60.96 alto cm.
Año: 2017
Vendido con marco
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Oil and acrylic painting on canvas with handmolded ceramic work and embellishments that adds a 3rd dimension to the art piece.The title “Mermaid-Mystery or Myth !” is coined because of the enigma concerned with Mermaids. Mermaid is a legendry aquatic creature with head and body of female human and tail of a fish. Mermaids appear in the folklore of many cultures worldwide. Many Medieval sailors claim to have sighted them which however has been speculated to be normal marine creatures that are now extinct. My inspiration for this painting has been the beauty in the depiction of mermaids which is the focal point with the sea bed to compliment her. Painting Coral reefs and fishes has been a delight since it offers scope to splash colours in various patterns.This is a seascape Painting with under water bed of coral reefs,fishes,sea horses etc

Obra Original

Pieza Única

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  • Ubicación del artículo: India
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  • Normalmente se enviará en un plazo de 2-3 días laborables desde que se haga efectivo el pago.

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    Publicado en ARTEnet desde: 14 Abril , 2019
    Última actualización: 14 Abril , 2019

    • Detalles de la obra original

      Media Mixta sobre Lienzo
      Medidas: 76.2 x 60.96 cm.
      Año de creación : 2017
      Vendido con marco
      Listo para colgar

      Estilo / Tema

      Estilo: Contemporáneo
      • Mitología clásica
      • Paisajes


      Oil and acrylic painting on canvas with hand molded ceramic work and embellishments that adds to 3rd dimension to the art piece.


      Oil and acrylic painting on canvas with handmolded ceramic work and embellishments that adds a 3rd dimension to the art piece.The title “Mermaid-Mystery or Myth !” is coined because of the enigma concerned with Mermaids. Mermaid is a legendry aquatic creature with head and body of female human and tail of a fish. Mermaids appear in the folklore of many cultures worldwide. Many Medieval sailors claim to have sighted them which however has been speculated to be normal marine creatures that are now extinct. My inspiration for this painting has been the beauty in the depiction of mermaids which is the focal point with the sea bed to compliment her. Painting Coral reefs and fishes has been a delight since it offers scope to splash colours in various patterns.This is a seascape Painting with under water bed of coral reefs,fishes,sea horses etc
    • Envío:

      Ubicación del artículo: India
      Envía a Todo el mundo
      Gastos de envío Mundo:Contacto artista

      Tiempo de manipulación para envíos:

      Normalmente se enviará en un plazo de 2-3 días laborables desde que se haga efectivo el pago.
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    Artista: Sarandha D L
    Mermaid-Mystery or Myth!
     Comprar "Mermaid-Mystery or Myth!"
    Precio: 1.200 EUR

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    Mermaid-Mystery or Myth!
    Haz una oferta a Sarandha D L por Mermaid-Mystery or Myth!
    Precio Original: 1.200€ o Mejor Oferta


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    Normalmente se enviará en un plazo de 2-3 días laborables desde que se haga efectivo el pago.

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