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2019 Anastasia Khain, Todos los derechos reservados.

Anastasia Khain
Habla Inglés


Obra original, Ã“leo sobre Lienzo, Pieza única

Obra en exposición

Resumen de la obra original

Óleo sobre Lienzo
Medidas: 46 ancho x 55 alto cm.
Año: 2019
Listo para colgar
Her name is Amaterasu. In Japanese mythology, she is known as the goddess of the sun and the universe. In one of her emanations, she is also the dragon goddess, which is implied by the red kimono hanging on the background. When Amaterasu becomes furious, legends tell that she descends to the earth in the form of a gold dragon…

Occupying the highest position among the deities of the Shinto religion, Amaterasu governs our spirits. She illuminates the sky with her beauty and makes the brush dance on the canvas, finally, leading you to the stage when the object and the subject of the painting become one whole; when the knower and the known are no more distinguished, as the scholar of Zen, D. T. Suzuki, was describing the process of painting.

Obra Original

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Publicado en ARTEnet desde: 24 Septiembre , 2020
Última actualización: 24 Septiembre , 2020

  • Detalles de la obra original

    Pintura  Óleo sobre Lienzo
    Medidas: 46 x 55 cm.
    Año de creación : 2019
    Listo para colgar

    Estilo / Tema

    Estilo: Realismo
    Temática: Desnudos




    Her name is Amaterasu. In Japanese mythology, she is known as the goddess of the sun and the universe. In one of her emanations, she is also the dragon goddess, which is implied by the red kimono hanging on the background. When Amaterasu becomes furious, legends tell that she descends to the earth in the form of a gold dragon…

    Occupying the highest position among the deities of the Shinto religion, Amaterasu governs our spirits. She illuminates the sky with her beauty and makes the brush dance on the canvas, finally, leading you to the stage when the object and the subject of the painting become one whole; when the knower and the known are no more distinguished, as the scholar of Zen, D. T. Suzuki, was describing the process of painting.
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