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Simple minimalist

Simple minimalist
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2024 Ian Brooks, Todos los derechos reservados.

Ian Brooks
United States
Habla Inglés

"Simple minimalist"

Obra original, Otros sobre Otros, Pieza única

Obra en exposición

Resumen de la obra original

Otros sobre Otros
Medidas: 60 ancho x 60 alto cm.
Año: 2024
Vendido con marco
**Wooden Framed Posters: Elegance and Sturdiness** meet the demand for premium matte, heavier-weight white paper of **200 gsm** with a natural, smooth touch.

Experience **Easy Assembly** as posters and frames are packed separately, with a straightforward joining process. No expertise required; includes hanging **hardware** for added convenience.

Unlock the following **Key Features**:
- **Pine** frames available in black, white, natural wood, and dark brown wood.
- A thickness of **20-25 mm** and a width of **10-14 mm** strike a perfect balance between durability and style.
- Shatterproof plexiglass ensures the utmost protection for the poster.
- Hanging **hardware** is included for both horizontal and vertical orientations.
- **200 gsm** paper weight ensures lasting durability.
- **FSC certification** attests to the product's sustainability.
- Robust packaging guarantees a pristine arrival.
- Paper sizes may vary by region, with measurements in **inches** (US and Canada) or **centimeters** (rest of the world).
- Suitable for **indoor** use.
- Art is printed and shipped on demand with no **minimum order**.

Obra Original

Pieza Única

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Publicado en ARTEnet desde: 25 Abril , 2024

  • Detalles de la obra original

    Pintura  Otros sobre Otros
    Medidas: 60 x 60 cm.
    Año de creación : 2024
    Vendido con marco

    Estilo / Tema

    Estilo: Art Deco
    Temática: Otros




    **Wooden Framed Posters: Elegance and Sturdiness** meet the demand for premium matte, heavier-weight white paper of **200 gsm** with a natural, smooth touch.

    Experience **Easy Assembly** as posters and frames are packed separately, with a straightforward joining process. No expertise required; includes hanging **hardware** for added convenience.

    Unlock the following **Key Features**:
    - **Pine** frames available in black, white, natural wood, and dark brown wood.
    - A thickness of **20-25 mm** and a width of **10-14 mm** strike a perfect balance between durability and style.
    - Shatterproof plexiglass ensures the utmost protection for the poster.
    - Hanging **hardware** is included for both horizontal and vertical orientations.
    - **200 gsm** paper weight ensures lasting durability.
    - **FSC certification** attests to the product's sustainability.
    - Robust packaging guarantees a pristine arrival.
    - Paper sizes may vary by region, with measurements in **inches** (US and Canada) or **centimeters** (rest of the world).
    - Suitable for **indoor** use.
    - Art is printed and shipped on demand with no **minimum order**.
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Artista: Ian Brooks
Simple minimalist
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Simple minimalist
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