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Yuriy Tryapitsyn Victorovich


Obra original, Assemblage sobre Otros, Pieza única

Precio: 2.150 €

Resumen de la obra original

Assemblage sobre Otros
Medidas: 90 ancho x 152 alto cm.
Año: 2018
Listo para colgar
Unconscious Lat. - ignorant, ignorant, unaware Psychoorganic zone, not detectable and not measured by the zone of logical reflection or conscious "I". Active existential quantum, both in mental and somatic aspect, not known with responsible will. Entirely formed of an existential, active quantum (physical and mental) of the subject and excluded from the area of ​​consciousness and responsibility "I". The unconscious is the quantum of life and mind, which we are, but which we do not know at all, that is, it is completely absent in the zone of conscious reflection; it is a part of human life and mind; It is the divine part, both spiritual and animal, in which the angel and the monster coexist. The unconscious is intuition, psychic perception, spirituality, intellectual logic; it is a quantum of mental and somatic life of the individual, they are not aware of and acting beyond the threshold of the logic of consciousness. The essence of the unconscious corresponds to the human In se. The unconscious is not a gloomy place of clusters of monsters or chaos, but a perfect order of life present in man; it is a global totality information continuously coming from the environment. The unconscious is not given by nature; it is a projection formed in the course of the historical development of man, because of which we see only a part of ourselves.

Obra Original

Pieza Única

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  • Ubicación del artículo: Russian
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    Publicado en ARTEnet desde: 03 Diciembre , 2018
    Última actualización: 31 Julio , 2019

    • Detalles de la obra original

      Assemblage sobre Otros
      Medidas: 90 x 152 cm.
      Año de creación : 2018
      Listo para colgar

      Estilo / Tema

      Estilo: Arte abstracto
      Temática: Abstractos


      The basis of plywood 21 milimeter, the mold is made of plaster, the surface is covered with varnish, acrylic paint.


      Unconscious Lat. - ignorant, ignorant, unaware Psychoorganic zone, not detectable and not measured by the zone of logical reflection or conscious "I". Active existential quantum, both in mental and somatic aspect, not known with responsible will. Entirely formed of an existential, active quantum (physical and mental) of the subject and excluded from the area of ​​consciousness and responsibility "I". The unconscious is the quantum of life and mind, which we are, but which we do not know at all, that is, it is completely absent in the zone of conscious reflection; it is a part of human life and mind; It is the divine part, both spiritual and animal, in which the angel and the monster coexist. The unconscious is intuition, psychic perception, spirituality, intellectual logic; it is a quantum of mental and somatic life of the individual, they are not aware of and acting beyond the threshold of the logic of consciousness. The essence of the unconscious corresponds to the human In se. The unconscious is not a gloomy place of clusters of monsters or chaos, but a perfect order of life present in man; it is a global totality information continuously coming from the environment. The unconscious is not given by nature; it is a projection formed in the course of the historical development of man, because of which we see only a part of ourselves.
    • Envío:

      Ubicación del artículo: Russian
      Envía a Todo el mundo
      Gastos de envío Mundo:300 EUR

      Tiempo de manipulación para envíos:

      Normalmente se enviará en un plazo de 5-10 días laborables desde que se haga efectivo el pago.
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    Artista: Yuriy Tryapitsyn Victorovich
     Comprar "Unconscious"
    Precio: 2.150 EUR

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    Haz una oferta a Yuriy Tryapitsyn Victorovich por Unconscious
    Precio Original: 2.150€ o Mejor Oferta


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    Ubicación del artículo: Russian
    Envía a Todo el mundo
    Gastos de envío Mundo: 300 EUR

    Tiempo de manipulación para envíos:

    Normalmente se enviará en un plazo de 5-10 días laborables desde que se haga efectivo el pago.

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