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José Angel Acosta Buxadó
Habla Inglés


Obra original, Técnica Mixta sobre Tela, Pieza única

Obra en exposición

Resumen de la obra original

Técnica Mixta sobre Tela
Medidas: 100 ancho x 80 alto cm.
Año: 2020
“Nostradamus II, XCV”, this oil on canvas could be understood at several parallel levels. First, I felt that there was a hope when I saw solutions created where I work. Later, I saw many lives being saved by these solutions. Then, I felt that I was in the right place to do more, and I started to paint. During planning of this painting, I understood that there was to much more to represent, because current global problems are larger than I had imagined. Then, I decided using a few elements in a simple composition to highlight urgency for a radical change of the human behavior at global scale. Homo sapiens is a weak specie, traveling in a wet stone at a prohibitive speed around a huge fire. Therefore, we are irrelevant for nature, and we could be replaced by any other specie using a stone, a virus, water, fire or any creative correction device. This time, we have received a kind warning from nature, but the next could not be so gentle.

What are we doing about it? Logics suggest that weak species should taking care one each other, to improve survival probability looking for happiness, progress, knowledge, and spirituality for all. Instead of that, you know what we are really doing. On arrival to Cuba, several centuries ago, the Yoruba people said:

“Once upon a time,
the truth and the fib,
met alone in the wood.
The fib got a cane-knife,
and the truth did the same.
The truth and the fib,
fought for a long time.
From that time forward,
the fib lives with
the head of the truth,
and the truth
with that of the fib.”

The present seems to point to the truth as the first victim. Therefore, saving it could a hopeful stage to be strong specie. The white pigeon in the painting could represent truth, tolerance, love, brotherhood, spirituality, and all talents that we should cultivate to harvest happiness. The remaining elements of the composition are obvious suggestions of the current times as invitation to read “Nostradamus”, century II, versicle XCV.

Obra Original

Pieza Única

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Publicado en ARTEnet desde: 01 Abril , 2021

  • Detalles de la obra original

    Técnica Mixta sobre Tela
    Medidas: 100 x 80 cm.
    Año de creación : 2020

    Estilo / Tema

    Temática: Paisajes


    “Nostradamus II, XCV”, this oil on canvas could be understood at several parallel levels. First, I felt that there was a hope when I saw solutions created where I work. Later, I saw many lives being saved by these solutions. Then, I felt that I was in the right place to do more, and I started to paint.


    During planning of this painting, I understood that there was to much more to represent, because current global problems are larger than I had imagined. Then, I decided using a few elements in a simple composition to highlight urgency for a radical change of the human behavior at global scale. Homo sapiens is a weak specie, traveling in a wet stone at a prohibitive speed around a huge fire. Therefore, we are irrelevant for nature, and we could be replaced by any other specie using a stone, a virus, water, fire or any creative correction device. This time, we have received a kind warning from nature, but the next could not be so gentle.

    What are we doing about it? Logics suggest that weak species should taking care one each other, to improve survival probability looking for happiness, progress, knowledge, and spirituality for all. Instead of that, you know what we are really doing. On arrival to Cuba, several centuries ago, the Yoruba people said:

    “Once upon a time,
    the truth and the fib,
    met alone in the wood.
    The fib got a cane-knife,
    and the truth did the same.
    The truth and the fib,
    fought for a long time.
    From that time forward,
    the fib lives with
    the head of the truth,
    and the truth
    with that of the fib.”

    The present seems to point to the truth as the first victim. Therefore, saving it could a hopeful stage to be strong specie. The white pigeon in the painting could represent truth, tolerance, love, brotherhood, spirituality, and all talents that we should cultivate to harvest happiness. The remaining elements of the composition are obvious suggestions of the current times as invitation to read “Nostradamus”, century II, versicle XCV.
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Artista: José Angel Acosta Buxadó
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